Friday, October 22, 2010

So thankful for my many blessings

Over the past few weeks I have been overwhelmed - overwhelmed with how much I love my sweet boys. Sometimes I fall guilty to getting caught up in the "hustle and bustle" of life that I forget how blessed Drew and I are. With Hudson going through these "I do not give up until I get my way or I will yell as loud as I can no matter where I'm at" and "If I'm awake I will be talking" phase or terrible three's or whatever you want to call it AND Maddox going through his "I know everything b/c I'm a first grader" stage, it has definitely been a tad difficult coping with trying to be the best parents we can be - and knowing how to be the most effective in dealing with this funky behavior that's been going on. The fact is that they are BOYS. They are strongwilled, wild and silly BOYS. There is rarely a quiet or dull moment. So - we'd better get used to this I suppose! It's funny b/c we had Maddox's conference yesterday and we were discussing how extremely different boys and girls were. This year Maddox's class somehow has 14 boys and only 8 girls. Needless to say, his sweet teacher that has three girls of her own has had a major adjustment to all the excitement in the classroom. It is just so true. Boys will be boys and that is something that I am slowly just learning to accept. What do I know? I've been a girl all my life! lol I have definitely reached out to Dr. Dobson! I need all the advice I can get...

Speaking of conferences, Maddox's went really well! It makes me tear up to even think about how proud I am of him and his accomplishments and just how incredibly smart this kid is. His desire to learn just amazes me everyday. He also is very priviledged to go to such a great performance school - the fact that Maddox comes home telling me all the things he learned in Spanish is just so cool to me. When you hear about all these budget cuts, etc. and your school is doing a fundraiser to raise money for a Spanish teacher for the following year, it just makes you appreciate where your child is.

We are also very proud of the little one too! I think the biggest thing right now is he has learned to say his "L's". He's not perfect with it by any means and is still accustomed to saying, "I wuv you" - but we have been working hard at mastering this sound and the correct "L" sound can actually make its way out of his little mouth. Oh, the little things that excite us! He has been doing swimming lessons the past month and is officially a little swimmer with NO floaties. I knew he'd take to it b/c he is certainly not afraid of the water, but I never expected him to be swimming almost immediately upon getting in the water the first day. When I saw him doing it that day, it was all I could do to not burst out into tears. This feeling came over me and I just got so warm and fuzzy inside. This rambunctious 3 yr old can actually stay still and be quiet long enough to float on his back from one side of the "deep pool" as he calls it to the other. I'm thinking the more swimming the better...for all of us! Haha!

There is nothing better in this world than being a mother (or dad)! If there's anything that I've ever done right, it's certainly my boys.

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